Signage, collateral, social campaigns and more designed for Workfront’s Leap 2020 conference. The conference hosts over 2200+ attendees in the work management space. All pieces were designed in Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and/or After Effects.
Various collateral pieces designed for distribution at the Leap conference. UI elements from Workfront’s software were used to create illustrative elements.
Concepts for a rebrand of the new Leap logo.
An animated email header, created in Illustrator and After Effects. All email and social marketing were animated for better engagement.
Social post template, with swappable images. Animation by Cameron Perry.
Concept for an interactive art piece for the show floor at Leap 2020. Hundreds of magnets that follow the Leap 2020 branding would be available on a giant magnet wall for attendees to create art pieces.
Custom map for Leap 2020’s conference location.
Various assets (signage, collateral, premium items, and more) created for Workfront’s Company Kick-Off 2020.
Badges for Workfront’s CKO. The 1100+ attendees were broken up into groups based on job role, and badge colors and artwork reflect that.
Directional signage for CKO 2020.
A collection of signage designed for CKO, including the registration booth, directional signage, a 40ft elevator wrap, and more.
Posters designed during the concepting phase of CKO design.
The CKO shirt distributed to all of Workfront’s employees.
Multiple UI designs I created in an effort to emulate Blizzard’s Overwatch design style, including custom character ability and weapon icons, 3D stylized endorsement icons, and various other HUD elements. All assets created in Photoshop and Illustrator.
A take on a potential change to Overwatch’s endorsement system icons. Although the current icons are successful, these medals were designed in an attempt to match the current level/rank borders, which feature a metal/gemstone theme. Designed in Illustrator and Photoshop.
A mockup of the endorsement medals, seen to the upper right of the character badges. The first 5 medals are my custom icons, while the 6th is the original Overwatch version.
Mockup ability screen for J3ky11 and Hyd3, a custom Overwatch character who uses their ultimate ability to transform between a melee tank and a ranged damage dealer. Icons created in Illustrator, with the mock-up created in Photoshop.
J3kyll and Hyd3’s death icons.
J3kyll and Hyd3’s weapon icons.
A closer view of the custom icons.
A mock-up of a redesigned HUD for Overwatch. Included in this HUD are recolored health and ammo bars, animated health and ammo bars to show damage received and typical ammo counter states (including firing, reloading, empty, and overheating), hand-animated FX for damage taken and reloading, and an overheat meter with accompanying FX. All hand-drawn FX were in an attempt to match the style of Overwatch’s 2D-style FX. Designed in Illustrator, with animations done in Photoshop and After Effects.
Video format of the HUD mock-up.
In-game mockup of what a centered HUD would look like. The centered HUD was designed to decrease player eye strain, organizing all of the essential information into a centralized location. Also designed with increasingly larger monitor sizes in mind, so that information wouldn’t be segregated into corners.
On-screen HUD FX for character’s being frozen by Mei. Done in an attempt to increase readability and give players more of an opportunity to react to freeze damage. FX animated in After Effects.
High-res render of the on-screen freeze FX.
Hand-drawn FX to alert players when their ultimate is charged and ready to use. Done in an attempt to match current Overwatch 2D FX. FX animated in Photoshop.
On-screen FX for death or loss of round/game. Done in part to increase readability of spectating, where grayscale FX can make it quicker to see if a player died during a chaotic situation. FX animated in Photoshop, composited in After Effects.
Menu design, motion graphic work, and map design done for a University of Utah student game, The Commons. All work done in Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects.
Motion graphics and UI design for an indie video game project.
Signage, collateral, and premium items designed for Workfront’s Leap 2019 conference.
Various signage done for Leap 2019.
Standing banners designed to highlight some of Workfront’s various customers.
Leap 2019 collateral.
More Leap 2019 collateral.
A custom Thread wallet designed for Leap 2019, and sold in the Workfront store.